



MS Direct in the media.

Here you can find our press releases and relevant coverage about MS Direct. Do you need media-relevant information about us or the e-commerce industry? We are happy to help.

MS Direct / ZHAW, 19.09.2023

Post-purchase excellence: study shows what online stores can score with

At a time when competition between online retailers is becoming increasingly intense, outstanding customer experiences during and after the purchase are no longer just a bonus, but a crucial success factor. The "Post-Purchase Experience Study" by MS Direct and the Zurich University of Applied Sciences (ZAHW) shows e-commerce companies how they can offer their customers the best possible customer experience, focusing on Switzerland and the UK.

All press releases at a glance.

We about us

Media reports on MS Direct.

From fulfilment, cross-border, robotics and sustainability: MS Direct has many exciting topics for the public


Unleashing innovation through partnerships with Luca Graf

WAKU Robotics

Roboter in der Logistik: WAKU Update Podcast mit Luca Graf von MS Direct


MS Direct optimiert Warenverfügbarkeit & Durchlaufzahlen

Logistik Heute

MS Direct stattet neues Fulfillment Center mit AutoStore-System aus


Digitalisierung geht nicht immer: In Grenzfällen ist der Mensch die bessere Option


Trotz Brexit-Bürokratie erfolgreicher Versand auf die Insel

Süddeutsche Zeitung

Bestellen ohne Grenzen: Wie der Brexit einer Schweizer Firma hilft


Grossbritannien: Brexit belastet Online- und Versandhandel aus EU

Shopify Blog

Grenzüberschreitender Handel mit Grossbritannien - was jetzt zu tun ist (2022)


Fit for Brexit? Ja, mit der richtigen Crossborder E-Commerce Lösung


Der Brexit lähmt den Online-Handel

About MS Direct

MS Direct AG is the leading partner of online retailers for automated solutions in the areas of fulfillment and cross-border e-commerce. Our customers benefit from an “all-round carefree package” of scalable fulfilment, physical logistics and digital solutions: Whether nationwide or from the European Union to third countries such as Switzerland and the UK, MS Direct ensures that online orders arrive quickly and smoothly, turning shoppers into loyal fans.

As a member of the MS Direct Group, MS Direct is part of a complete ecosystem that offers services along every customer journey, from first contact to online campaigns or personalised print mailings to returns and customer service support.

Media office.

MS Direct AG
Fürstenlandstrasse 35
CH-9001 St.Gallen, Schweiz



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